


2016/07/09 12:22:32 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1104 移动端


  32.Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions. (08.05.31)

  支持心态(mental attitude)更重要的观点:

  好的心态可以让运动员能够接受恶劣的条件(accept the agonizing conditions),坦然面对逆境 (stay calm in the face of adversity),克服障碍(overcome obstacles),影响着他们的表现(dictate their performance),让他们在压力下也能保持注意力集中和全力以赴(their persistence and their ability to focus under pressure)

  好的心态会让运动员去构想他们成功的表现(visualize their winning performance),激发他们的斗志(stimulate their competitive spirit),运动员自己觉得自己能够赢(Capable to win);反之,如果没有好的心态,运动员对自己的期望就有局限(limit expectations),一个斗志昂扬的运动员(at his/her mental peak)可以发挥到自己的最佳状态(perform at his/her best)

  如果两个具备同等天赋的运动员放在一起,意志坚强的总能在大部分时候胜出If two equally talented professional athletes are put together, the mentally stronger of the two will win most of the time.

  在专业体育中,大部分的运动员身体状态都是出色的,真正导致不同的是他们的心理忍受能力In professional sports, a majority of athletes are at the same physical excellence, so what separates them from each other is mental capacity.

  反对心态(mental attitude)更重要的观点:

  过分强调心态让运动员高估自己(overrate his/her own capabilities),只会在失败后更加沮丧(feel a stronger sense of frustration)


  33. In modern society, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people's choice of clothes. Why? Do you think it is a positive development or negative development? (08.11.08)


  经济发展的产物:收入增加,让人们可以购买不同的衣服(expand the range of clothes worn)

  现在的人们越来越个人化(individualistic),时装是一种表现自我的方式(a form of self-expression),可以展现人的性格、心情和审美观(personality, mood and aesthetic appreciation)。

  全球化的产物:全球化促进了各种文化的融合(mixture of different cultures),时装设计师可以从不同文化中获得灵感(draw up the inspiration from different costumes),人们接触不同文化的机会增加(exposure to different cultures),因此他们接受时装就更加大胆(become bold fashion wearers)


  创造新的经济增长点和就业机会Stimulate consumption. Make contribution to the development of economy

  新时代的时尚fashion in the new era不一定意味着高消费,也并非一定穿着某种款式的衣服,充分考虑了消费者的需求consider the consumer demand fully,不象人们想的那样肤浅not as superficial as some people think

  时装是自我表达的一种体现 a means of self-expression,表现人的性格和喜好reflect one’s personality or likes让人们在生活中体验不同的角色allow people to try on many roles in life,同时使得世界更加多样化make world diversified


  潮流变化太快,盲目追求时尚可能造成过度消费follow fashion blindly/slavishly/Sequaciously may cause excessive consumption,从而导致浪费,成为购物狂shopaholic或者fashion victims,忽略质量neglect the quality等

  失去自己的判断和喜好dwell too much on what others think

  鼓励人们将衣服和地位、社会阶层还有财富联系在一起associate clothing with status, social class and wealth,造成歧视。

  可能导致产业内的恶性竞争 deteriorate competition





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